Master Shifu (Dustin Hoffman) assigns Master Po (Jack Black)
to host the annual Winter Feast at the Jade Palace, a highly ritualized
formal occasion where all the Kung Fu masters of China attend,
insisting on the perfection of the event. Although excited, Po also
wishes to spend the holiday with his father Mr. Ping (James Hong),
and rejects the finest chefs in China in an attempt to have him cater
the event. However, Mr. Ping believes Po is more concerned with his
duties as the Dragon Warrior, and adamantly remains at his restaurant to
feed the townsfolk who have nowhere else to eat for the holiday.
Guilt-ridden, Po tries to cook the banquet by himself, but is quickly
overwhelmed by the myriad of responsibilities that come with it,
further complicated by the interference of Wo Hop (Jack McBrayer),
a rabbit chef he had accidentally disgraced earlier and is desperate to
die at the hands of the Dragon Warrior to redeem his honor. A comment
from Wo Hop inspires Po to enlist the Furious Five to complete the preparations for the feast while he has the still-suicidal Wo Hop help him in the kitchen.
În mijlocul pregătirilor pentru sărbători, din greșeală Sid distruge
decorațiunea favorită a lui Manny: o piatră. Sid, convins de Manny că se
află pe lista celor obraznici a lui Moș Crăciun, pleacă spre Polul Nord
împreună cu Crash, Eddie și Peaches pentru a-l convinge pe Moș Crăciun
că a fost cuminte. Pe drum întâlnesc un ren zburător. Când ajunge la
Polul Nord și după ce trec de gărzile moșului, Sid și însoțitorii săi
distrug atelierul de jucării al Moșului. Când Manny, Ellie și Diego
descoperă că Peaches e dispărut, merg după aceștia la Polul Nord și
împreună trebuie să salveze Crăciunul.
In the year 1524, the former Assassin Ezio Auditore retired to a
villa in the countryside of Tuscany, with his wife Sofia and children Marcello and Flavia. While Ezio wrote in his study, Sofia asked him to watch Flavia while she and Marcello visit his sister Claudia.
Shortly after, he left his study to tend their vineyards while Flavia
played nearby the villa. In the midst of his harvest, he saw a stranger
cloaked in black, talking to Flavia. Fearing the worst, Ezio hurriedly
intercepted the stranger, though Flavia told him that she was no danger,
as Ezio saw her necklace with the Assassin insignia.
Later, the Assassin introduced herself as Shao Jun, and then asked for Ezio's help in saving her people and order.
Ezio refused, stating that his time with the order is over, and asked
that Jun leave, despite her pleas. Sofia however, bid that Jun should
stay, seeing that she came a long way. Jun stays, while the family
prepared to rest for the night. Ezio pondered about the time he had left
while watching their children with Sofia. The two would then go to bed.
Alăturaţi-vă BarbieTM şi surorile ei SkipperTM, StacieTM şi Chelsea TM
ca planurile lor de vacanţă, vacanta, transforma într-o aventură mai
neaşteptate şi Lecţii de emotionanta. După un viscol devierile avionul
lor, fetele se afla departe de destinaţia lor din New York şi visele lor
de vacanţă. Acum blocaţi la un han de la distanţă în oraşul mici de
Tannenbaum, surorile sunt binevenite de către prieteni şi experienţe noi
magice. În aprecierea pentru ospitalitatea minunată pe care le primesc,
le folosesc talentele lor muzicale pentru a pune pe un spectacol pentru
întregul oraş. BarbieTM şi surorile ei seama de bucuria de a fi
impreuna este ceea ce face cu adevărat A Perfect de Crăciun! Regizat de:
Owen Hurley, Mark Baldo